A smart Data Scientist As you search on google,which is the sexiest job of 21st Century,You find "DATA SCIENTIST"there,which now becomes a dream job of many people. Many People want to become a data scientist but don't know how to.We discuss here how to become a DATA SCIENTIST and what are the skills required for it. Not only technical skills are sufficient to become DATA SCIENTIST,other from it certain things are required which are equally important as technical skills,without them your technical skills are waste.They are : Story Telling Skill: As you are data scientist,you have a excellent skill of story telling,means whatever the research or results you found,you present them in a great way by making a interesting story,so client understand it easily. Communication Skills: You need to be good in communication skills as it is primary demand of a data scientist or analyst to deal with clients,in project management it is must Curiosity:Curiosity to...
Data Science
Its a great blog to learn about data science and related.